NGC3001 Galaxy in Antlia

DATE 7 Jan 2016
TELESCOPE OPTICS 508 mm mirror f.4 ccd Kodak KAF8300 3326 x 2504px 5.4 x 5.4µm
EXPOSURE binning 1: composite image, 11 min
LIGHT TRAVEL TIME (Derived Redshift. Millions Light Years) NGC3001 = 124
UGCA 182 = 59
6dF J0945350-301851 = 60
2MASX J09455516-3036157 = 504
ESO 434- G 039 = 60
MAGNITUDE NGC3001 = 12.72
UGCA 182 = 14.6
6dF J0945350-301851 = 17.2b
2MASX J09455516-3036157 = 14.21
ESO 434- G 039 = 15.55
POSITION RA-DEC J2000 NGC3001 = 09:46:18.60 -30:26:15.0
UGCA 182 = 09:45:30.00 -30:20:34.0
6dF J0945350-301851 = 09:45:35.00 -30:18:51.0
2MASX J09455516-3036157 = 09:45:55.10 -30:36:16.0
ESO 434- G 039 = 09:47:04.20 -30:23:08.0
Rotation Velocity km/s ~300
Size (Light Years) 200,000 (ESO-LV "Quick Blue" IIa-O)
DETAILS NGC3001 is classed as a barred spiral galaxy and it seems to have multi-arms. Supernova SN 2010hg was discovered far out on the periphery of one of the arms.

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