Marek Dobiecki

Artworks are Acrylic Paint on Canvas 180cm x 180cm.

Manually enhanced image created 2023

  They were painted using airbrush and mapped out with dividers. The one above is on display at TECHCOM Melbourne and was painted in 1987.

The painting above is Afe+Cpi acrylic on canvas 186 x 186 cm 1991 in the possesion of Ms Vanessa Gough Melbourne

The painting below is in the private collection of a Melbourne artist, Ian Hance.

Painted about 1987.

2[Ap]i + [Ap]e



2[Af]i + [Nf]i + [Ap]i

The painting above is still in my possession and was done around 1991.
This painting is very active optically. The best way to view it is fully blown up in a 1024 X 768 pixel screen in millions of colours.


Computer generated chiral fields

Arts Index

Last Revised: 23/8/07