IC4633 and IC4635 Galaxies in Apus
DATE | 29 Apr 2023 |
TELESCOPE OPTICS | 508 mm mirror f.4 . effective f4.6 with paracorr2. ccd sony ICX285AL 1360 x 1024px 6.45 x 6.45µm |
EXPOSURE | binning 2: composite image, 20 min |
LIGHT TRAVEL TIME (Derived Redshift. Millions Light Years) | IC4633 = 142 IC4635 = 143 WISEA J171514.31-772725.6 = 145 |
MAGNITUDE | IC4633 = 12.4 IC4635 = 13.94 15.8 |
POSITION RA-DEC J2000 | IC4633 = 17 13 47.04000 -77 32 10.3000 IC4635 = 17 15 39.19000 -77 29 22.3000 WISEA J171514.31-772725.6 = 17 15 14.22000 -77 27 25.4000 |
Rotation Velocity km/s | IC4633 = 163 IC4635 = 149 |
Diameter (Kpc) | IC4633 = 56.35 |
DETAILS | Spiral galaxies suffering some extinction from dust and gas in the sometimes known Sarah's nebula in Apus |