NGC1553 Galaxy in Dorado

DATE Nov 2008
TELESCOPE OPTICS 333 mm mirror f/4.5 at prime focus. ccd TC-245 756 x 483 px,
EXPOSURE binning 1: composite image,1200 seconds
IMAGE SIZE (ARCMIN) ~13 arcmin
LIGHT TRAVEL TIME (Derived Redshift. Millions Light Years) NGC1549=56 Million Light Years and NGC1553=55 MLY
MAGNITUDE NGC1549=9.8 and NGC1553=9.4
POSITION RA-DEC J2000 NGC1549=RA: 04h15m 48.0s DE:-55°36'00" and NGC1553=RA: 04h16m 12.0s DE:-55°47'00"
POSITION ANGLE: NGC1549=135 and NGC1553=150
Rotation Velocity km/s  
Size (Light Years)  
DETAILS eliptical galaxies

1549 1553