NGC5813 Galaxy in Virgo

DATE 1 Jun 2011
TELESCOPE OPTICS 508 mm mirror f.4 effective f/4.6 with paracorr2. ccd sony ICX285AL 1360 x 1024px 6.45 x 6.45µm
EXPOSURE binning 1: composite image,360 seconds
LIGHT TRAVEL TIME (Derived Redshift. Millions Light Years) NGC5813 = 96
NGC5814 = 560
SDSS J150121.96+014401.2 (object A) = 5592 (Light Travel-Time )
SDSS J150118.96+014304.0 = 1582
SDSS J150059.36+013857.1 = 114
MAGNITUDE NGC5813 = 10.5
NGC5814 = 14.68
SDSS J150121.96+014401.2 = 21.4
SDSS J150118.96+014304.0 = 18.8
SDSS J150059.36+013857.1 = 18.3
POSITION RA-DEC J2000 NGC5813 = RA: 15h01m 12.0s DE:+01°42'00"
NGC5814 = RA: 15h01m 21.1s DE:+01°38' 14"
SDSS J150121.96+014401.2 = RA: 15:01:21.90 DE:+01:44:01.0
SDSS J150118.96+014304.0 = RA: 15:01:18.90 DE:+01:43:04.0
SDSS J150059.36+013857.1 = RA:15:00:59.30 DE:+01:38:57.0
Rotation Velocity km/s  
Size (Light Years)  
DETAILS NGC5813 is an elliptical, classed as a LINER galaxy while NGC5814 is a spiral. The two are separated by some 400 million light years. In fact SDSS J150059.36+013857.1 is much closer, so much so that it can be considered an interacting galaxy with NGC5813 and most probably a dwarf galaxy. SDSS J150121.96+014401.2 is a Quasi stellar object, barely visible in this image. The other 2 objects arrowed (B and C) are galaxies