NGC6438 Galaxy in Octans
DATE | 20 Jun 2015 |
TELESCOPE OPTICS | 508 mm mirror f.4 ccd Kodak KAF8300 3326 x 2504px 5.4 x 5.4µm |
EXPOSURE | binning 1: composite image, 25min |
LIGHT TRAVEL TIME (Derived Redshift. Millions Light Years) | NGC6438 = 110 NGC6438A = 113 |
MAGNITUDE | NGC6438 = 12.1 NGC6438A = 12.57 |
POSITION RA-DEC J2000 | NGC6438 = 18:22:17.50 -85:24:07.0 NGC6438A = 18:22:35.50 -85:24:23.0 |
Rotation Velocity km/s | NGC6438 = insufficient data NGC6438A = ~100 (gas rotaion) |
Size (Light Years) | NGC6438 = 70,500 (ESO-LV "Quick Blue" IIa-O) NGC6438A = 137,700 (ESO-LV "Quick Blue" IIa-O) |
DETAILS | Companion galaxies. NGC6438 is a lenticular galaxy i.e. possessing both spiral and elliptical properties also classed as having a ring. NGC6438A is a ring galaxy where some deformation seems to have occurred. Some reults seem to suggest that this may be an interacting triplet, however the system is too complex to determine accurate data. |