Panetix observatory 508mm Telescope
- Design by Marek Dobiecki.
- Mirror Cell by Gary Mitchell.
- AltAzimuth mount by Marek Dobiecki and Nick Booth.
- Alignment and coupling adaptors by Nick Booth.
- Spider and secondary mirror mount by Nick Booth.
- Drive Electronics adapted from Mel Bartels stepper controlled telescope, designed and constructed by Marek Dobiecki.
- Wireless control and autoguide units by Marek Dobiecki.
- 1.2 Nm Steppers for each drive from RS Components.
- 2 zero backlash 30:1 reduction gearboxes (Dynabox) for each drive from Girard making 900:1 reduction..
- Drive software from Mel Bartels stepper controlled telescope.
- Autoguiding electronics re-engineered to integrate with Mel Bartels stepper control software.
OPTICAL details.
- Mirror 508mm: Speed f4: focal length: 2032 made by Mark Suchting.
- 90mm Pyrex Secondary mirror from Protostar USA.
- Paracorr2 coma corrector from Televue.
- CB245 ccd camera electronics constructed by Marek Dobiecki. Housing by Nick Booth. The CB245 is argon filled with water-dissipated peltier cooling. Images prior to 2010 were mostly done with this camera on the 333mm telescope.
- Opticstar DS-145m-ice camera ... air cooled with a Sony ICX285AL monochrome chip was mounted onto the Paracorr2.
After 2014 images are made using a QSI 583 camera at -25deg C.
- QHY5L guide camera mounted onto the QSI camera using an internal pick off mirror.
- Clement focusser added 2015.
- Derotator and stepper controlled Focussing added 2017 (engineering by N&J Booth p\l.)