NGC3923 Galaxy in Hydra

DATE 14 Feb 2012
TELESCOPE OPTICS 508 mm mirror f.4 . effective f4.6 with paracorr2. ccd Kodak KAF8300 3326 x 2504px 5.4 x 5.4µm
EXPOSURE binning 2: composite image,11 min
LIGHT TRAVEL TIME (Derived Redshift. Millions Light Years) NGC3923 = 92
CXO J115057.8-284401 = 6,500
2MFGC 09308 = 95
ESO 440- G 014 = 99
2MASXi J1151490-284815 = 1,103
2MASX J11503040-2852202 = 89
MAGNITUDE NGC3923 = 10.8
CXO J115057.8-284401 = 17.9r
2MFGC 09308 = 15.2b
ESO 440- G 014 = 15.91
2MASXi J1151490-284815 = 16.3b
2MASX J11503040-2852202 = 14.9r
POSITION RA-DEC J2000 NGC3923 = 11:51:01.70 -28:48:22.0
CXO J115057.8-284401 = 11:50:57.80 -28:44:01.0
2MFGC 09308 = 11:51:37.60 -28:47:29.0
ESO 440- G 014 = 11:50:03.20 -28:40:17.0
2MASXi J1151490-284815 = 11:51:49.30 -28:48:16.0
2MASX J11503040-2852202 = 11:50:30.40 -28:52:20.0
Rotation Velocity km/s 0 on major axis but ~20 on minor axis
Size (Light Years) 256,000 (ESO-LV "Quick Blue" IIa-O)

NGC3923 is an Elliptical galaxy.
This image is presented especially brightened up to bring up very faint light from 3 very distant objects
CXO J115057.8-284401 is a Quasar. They are the most luminous objects in the universe and at distances of over 3 billion light years, are remnants of the early universe. They have large Redshift values and are thought to be a very compact region surrounding a super massive black hole. Light from these has travelled for about half - two thirds the age of our universe which is 13.3 billion years old.
A few other nebulous objects appear in this image but have little or no associated data.

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